Frequently Asked Questions

Class Location and Information

Classes are held at Fernan Rod and Gun Club, 11600 E. Fernan Lake Road.  We meet in the parking lot across (north) of the main entrance at 8:45 AM and enter the range as a group.  Classes end by 5:00 PM.
There are full restroom facilities at the range along with a fully functional kitchen and area where we will eat lunch.  Wi-Fi service is available.

What to Bring

See the requirements listings next to each class description.

It always seems to be 10 degrees hotter in the summer and colder in the winter at FRGC, so plan accordingly.  In our intermediate and advanced classes we do a lot of moving and shooting, shooting from various positions (prone, kneeling, etc.) so consider wearing attire that is durable and you’re not afraid to get dirty.  Things like kneepads are actually quite handy.

We will break for lunch and recommend bringing something to eat and drink.  Most importantly, come with a good attitude and prepared to have a ton of fun with a great group of fellow students and instructors in a safe, low stress environment.  Make sure to check your e-mail in the week prior to class for any last minute instructions, etc.

Are there age restrictions?

Yes.  Although we may offer classes in the future for the younger members of your family who want to learn to shoot, our curriculum is geared towards adults and adult learning styles.  Accordingly, the minimum age to attend our classes is 18.  As always, feel free to reach out directly to us if you’d like to discuss a special circumstance.

Do you reschedule due to inclement weather?

We want your experience with us to be as stress free and fun as possible.  We know the North Idaho area is known for its unpredictable, and often extreme, weather conditions.  Our instructors are all active law enforcement and believe in training in the conditions we find ourselves working in.  FRGC has covered bays and an indoor area that is climate controlled where we can take breaks, warm up/cool down, etc.  Given all of that, we typically do not reschedule unless the conditions are so oppressive that there would be little benefit in trying to learn and have fun in them.  We keep an eye on the weather in the days preceding classes and send e-mail updates to all our registered students.

How do I find out about new classes?

Check our website often.  Also, follow us on social media where we like to post updates on upcoming classes, videos regarding training and generally other fun/cool stuff.