Introductory Precision Rifle

The purpose of this course is to provide a basic level of instruction and familiarization to a prospective precision rifle shooter. The fundamentals of marksmanship are heavily emphasized with the goal of providing our clients a solid foundation to build upon. Whether you’re a new rifle shooter, looking to participate in competitions, or simply looking to improve your marksmanship for hunting, this course is the place to start.

What to Bring:

  • Safe, functional bolt action or semi-automatic rifle equipped with a magnified optic. (Rifle MUST be capable of at least 2 MOA accuracy)

  • 200 rounds of match grade ammunition (handloads strongly discouraged)

  • Sling capable of positional shooting

  • Positional support bags

  • A bipod is required, a tripod should be brought if available

  • At least one extra magazine

  • If possible, a magazine pouch that can be worn outside the waistband

  • Appropriate eye protection

  • Appropriate hearing protection

  • Appropriate attire for shooting outside

  • Appropriate footwear for a gravel range

  • Note pad and pen to take notes (hand-outs will be provided)

  • Any weather meters, ballistic calculators, or range finders are encouraged. 

  • All tools and cleaning equipment for your rifle.